
How to set smart music-based intentions in 2022

From our online archive

BENGALURU: We have mixed feelings about the concept of New Year resolutions. While it’s a great way to take positive steps in a new direction, it’s a well-known fact that most of us abandon these ideals before we’re a month into the New Year. This leaves us feeling a sense of despair before we’ve even set our targets.

What if, instead of setting resolutions, we set small and actionable intentions that move us in the direction we want to go? Here are some realistic examples of ways in which you can add more music to your life in the coming year:

  • Commit to setting aside one afternoon or evening every week to learn the music style of your choice (either online or in person).
  • Create a music practice routine that you can stick to. Start small, and build from there instead of starting out too enthusiastically and having it fizzle out.
  • Break your resolution down into goals that you can achieve every three months (like learning some basic exercises on your favourite musical instrument). Review your progress around March, and see how you can get closer to these goals.
  • Build time into your day when you’re listening to different types of music more closely. If you want to learn songwriting, be sure to pay attention to lyrics from different songs. If you’re learning to play the violin, listen to different styles of violin playing from around the world.
  • Be honest about how you want music to play a role in your life. You don’t have to become a stage performer for it to be a meaningful accomplishment. You can learn to express yourself better by writing songs. Or you can start learning more about sound engineering and technology. You can also get into the music business and learn more about distribution, marketing and promotions. Be clear about how you want music to be a part of your life, and take the right steps towards your goals accordingly.

Taking small, less overwhelming steps can help steer you towards a sustainable new routine that includes more music in it. And, while it’s always fun to begin right at the beginning of the New Year (along with the rest of the world), remember: you are always one decision away from changing your life at any time of the year, too.