
Two Point Campus: An excellent management simulator

Anusha Ganapathi

BENGALURU: As a player of video games, I have mostly played as an assassin, an unemployed person in a post-apocalyptic world, or a contemporary treasure hunter. Till ‘Two Point Campus’, I have never had the opportunity to have a life-like job with real career advancement opportunities. Two Point Campus (TPC) is an excellent business management simulator, and I intend to humourlessly convey my experience here to future employers.

In TPC, I am delegated the task of handling an academic institution. I am provided with an empty campus, in which I must fill in rooms: lecture rooms, toilets, dormitories, research centres, libraries and staff rooms. The central task of the game is ensuring that these rooms are placed appropriately in a mighty bounded tetris board, while also quietly looking at my budget slide down to zero. I must then employ teachers, and then start next academic year.

With the influx of students, I find my budget being refilled with fees. Temporary relief. But there are new outflow sources. Hungry students want operating food stalls. They cry and leave the school if I can’t give it to them in time. Jasper Skiver, a rich student that I must keep on campus for reasons of economy, thinks the campus doesn’t look “cool” enough.

So, I must put cool posters on the walls. Mia Eggnog is threatening to fail her assignment if I don’t build a dragon tower. I spend my last 20,000 in-game currency to build her one. Meanwhile, I also employ janitors to clean up the mess and maintain functional equipment in the growing number of rooms on campus. While it’s a lot to handle simultaneously, the term time announcements are quite entertaining, and the game plays nice music while I’m hard at work.

Eventually, I meet the criteria that upgrades the campus to a “one star”. This opens additional campuses spread across the map. Each campus is unique and presents itself with new challenges. But I am a better manager now. I can handle it all. TPC is an excellent game where I get to give infinite parties to students and decide whatever courses I want for example, I was once employed in a school for knights, and I had the unique opportunity to make baking a compulsory course in their curriculum.

It is one of the exceptional few games where I feel completely calm and in control of increasingly chaotic situations. I played it on the Nintendo Switch which I feel is the best platform for this game. But it is also available on the PC, Xbox and PlayStation.