
Soon, bag-free on Saturday in govt schools in Bengaluru

Express News Service

BENGALURU: At least one day a month, students of government primary and secondary schools can soon leave their heavy bags at home and take part in fun-filled learning activities. The Department of State Education Research and Training (DSERT) has recommended schools to introduce a bag-free day on one Saturday a month under the Sambhrama Shanivara initiative.

According to the department, the initiative has been introduced as part of the Kalika Chetarike (learning recovery). “We suggest that all schools observe Sambhrama Shanivara on one Saturday of every month. Teachers can make use of activity books in ten subjects to encourage active learning in their students,” it said.

DSERT has suggested that on the bag-free day, students make use of activity books and other material uploaded onto the DSERT website. Under the initiative, DSERT has uploaded material related to several civic topics that teachers can download and print. The topics are related to safety and security, solid waste management, safe use of technology, road safety, gender equality, disabilities, healthy lifestyles, public services, nutrition and cleanliness, and awareness against drugs. The department has also uploaded a guidebook on how teachers can go about using the activity books and teach the children.

“The bag-free day can be on Saturdays when there are a fewer number of teachers. The initiative is a way to complement already existing learning recovery activities in learning centres and schools,” the department said.