

Wanitha Ashok

BENGALURU: I recently started doing abs. Although I do my workouts under supervision, could you list the most commonly made mistakes while doing abdomen workouts that I should be mindful of?

Overtraining tops the list: Most people crunch to the moon and back as they are under the impression that this will flatten their midsection. Overtraining muscles can lead to injury and imbalances in the core muscles.

Neglecting other muscle groups: The core is made up of more than just the abs, so it’s important to incorporate exercises that target the entire core, including the obliques, lower back, and pelvic floor muscles.

Not incorporating variety: Doing the same ab exercises over and over can lead to plateaus in strength and muscle growth. It’s important to incorporate a variety of exercises to challenge the core muscles in different ways.

Not breathing properly:  Many people tend to hold their breath while doing ab exercises, which can lead to increased intra-abdominal pressure and potential injury. It’s important to breathe properly and engage the core muscles while performing ab exercises.

Not warming up: Skipping a proper warmup before ab workouts can increase the risk of injury. It’s important to properly prepare the body for exercise by warming up the muscles and increasing blood flow.

Not focusing on nutrition: 
Building strong abs also requires a healthy diet. Neglecting nutrition can hinder progress in strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Overall, it’s important to approach ab workouts with proper form, variety, and rest to prevent injury and see progress in strength and muscle definition.