

Wanitha Ashok

1. What is the one thing that you would suggest people cut down on in their food habits?
The best diet is the one you can stick to. Say bye to fad diets and focus on making lifestyle changes. We have to eliminate certain foods from our lifestyle for better health and weight loss. Processed, refined and packaged foods should be the first to go as they have preservatives and additives, simple carbs leave you hungry in no time and are not good for weight and health.

Food has to be prepared from scratch, replace it with natural, whole-grain foods, which offer more nutrients and keep you feeling full. Eliminate foods containing trans fats, which can increase inflammation and contribute to weight gain. Replace unhealthy snacks with healthier options like nuts, fruits, or yoghurt. Hydrate yourself well to prevent hunger pangs. By reducing these foods and habits, you can improve your overall health and achieve sustainable weight loss.

What is that one item you would suggest to add to one’s diet?
Actually, it’s all the nutrients. But the one nutrient that’s inadequately consumed is protein. Protein is an essential nutrient and plays an important role in the body. It is the building block and every cell depends on it for repair maintenance and to make new cells.

They are energy-sourced and help build lean muscle mass in conjunction with strength training. The recommended intake is 0.8grams of protein per kg body weight. There are plenty of vegetarian and non-vegetarian options to choose from. The bottom line does not go over broad as it taxes the kidneys.