
Validate scholarship forms: Odisha higher education department to state colleges 

Express News Service

BHUBANESWAR:  The Higher Education department has directed all the government-run colleges across the State to complete online validation of scholarship applications of students by August 31 on the unified Odisha State Scholarship portal. 

The department provides financial aid to students from poor socio-economic backgrounds under e-Medhabruti Scholarship (for technical and professional courses), Vyasakabi Fakir Mohan Bhasabruti and Gopabandhu Sikhya Sahayata Yojana. After the opening of the portal this year, government-mandated submission of the scholarship applications online. 

Sources said less than 50 per cent of the applications under the three scholarships have been validated by colleges as they are demanding physical copy of the applications and are not validating the online documents. Informing the colleges that there is no necessity of submission of physical copy of scholarship applications, the department on Saturday directed to complete the validation by the end of this month.