
Badminton court named after Paralympics gold medallist Pramod Bhagat

Express News Service

BHUBANESWAR:  A court in the KC Memorial Udan Badminton Academy at Bhubaneswar where para badminton gold medallist Pramod Bhagat used to practice, was named after him on Saturday.

Felicitating Bhagat at an event, academy president Ashok Kumar Mishra said the court will be provided for practice to para badminton players for free. 

The academy has five courts.

Speaking on the occasion, State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities Sulochana Das said the Odisha government is promoting sports and striving to develop better facilities for the players.

“Bhagat’s gold medal will change the perception of people towards differently-abled persons’’, she added.

Bhagat’s coach and former international para-badminton player Siba Prasad Das said this is the beginning of a new era for para badminton in the State.

“I appeal people to repose faith in para players. They will never let us down”, he said. Among others, MLA Ananta Narayan Jena was present.