
46th space show inaugurated

Express News Service

The Periyar Science and Technology Centre on Sunday inaugurated the 46th planetarium programme at their Sky Theatre. The dome-shaped ceiling transformed into the night sky and drew the onlookers into space, on a tour of the international space station orbiting Earth. The construction and parts of the second brightest object in the night sky are detailed in the 30- minute show.

The show is titled “We Choose Space”, channelling John F Kennedy’s speech where he said, “We choose space. Not because it is easy, but because it is difficult.”

The show also showcases a scenario of how life on the moon in a closed habitat would be like. With private players and governments entering the space bastion, a future for tourism and staying on the moon seems highly possible.

Dr A Amudeswari, director, Centre for International Cooperation in Science, inaugurated the programme.

Dr P Iyamperumal, executive director of the Tamil Nadu Science and Technology Centre, was also present and invited the public to view the show.