
Offline JEE in new avatar proves a mixed bag for students

Rajagopalan Venkataraman

The offline Joint Entrance Examinations (JEE) — introduced in a new avatar modifying the AIEEE exam — evoked a mixed response from city students on Sunday.

While those attempting the JEE (Main), for admissions to BE/ B Tech courses, felt that it was difficult in parts, those writing the examination for admissions to B Arch/ B Planning courses were unanimous over its ease. The JEE (Main) had questions from Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, while the examination for architecture courses had questions on Mathematics, Aptitude and Drawing.

A majority of the engineering aspirants said the physics and chemistry sections in the JEE (Main) sprung surprises for them. Said Chiranjeevi, a class XII student of Padma Seshadri Bal Bhavan and an engineering aspirant, “The questions on Physics involved lengthy calculations. I had a tough time handling the Organic Chemistry section too.” He added that the Mathematics section was however, relatively easy.

Winston, another aspirant, concurred on the difficulty level of the Physics section. “Questions on Heat and Thermodynamics could not be answered instantly and needed time for calculations,” he said.

In contrast, those who attempted the examination for architecture were pleasantly surprised, provided one had prepared adequately. Sunita, a class XII student of Maharishi Vidya Mandir, was jubilant that few questions from the Mathematics and Aptitude sections troubled her — an opinion echoed by another student, Neelotpal. “Only the questions on drawing consumed more time,” she added.

Ajay Antony, vice-president of the coaching institute TIME, said the number of easy questions in the Physics section was on the lower side whereas questions involving concepts were greater. “For a well-prepared student, the Mathematics part of JEE (Main) was well-scoring. Only ten per cent of the questions in it were difficult,” he told Express.

About 14 lakh engineering and architecture aspirants wrote the JEE this year — an increase by 2.5 lakh, compared to last year.

The online modes of JEE (Main) will be held on April 9, 22, 23 and 25.