
Spread bliss and happiness to your loved ones

Shri Nimishananda

Guru Poornima is the golden day in the life of all seekers to bask in the grace of their sadguru, offer their worship and seek his blessings to embark on the spiritual path. For disciples, this is the day to take your first step towards the guru by seeking him reverentially (Pujya Manobhav) and undertaking sadhana with Shri Guru Gita as the foundation.

This is the day for disciples once again to confirm, affirm and reaffirm your dedication through seva to your sadguru and establish the Guru Shakti in your hearts even more firmly with intense sadhana. It is to actualise the oneness of the self, the sadguru and Lord Shiva as one and feel the divine mother as Kundalini shakti inside you through your spine (Sushumna Nadi).

Today is the day for all of you to firmly establish your Chaitanya (chit) so as to emit the fragrance of Ananda-bliss from it. This is the day to realise that your sadguru is none other than the embodiment of Sat (Truth), Chit (Chaitanya) and Ananda  (bliss), and you are on the way with your sadguru’s grace to become the embodiment of Sat - Chit -­ Ananda yourself. To attain this as a sadhak, through faith, belief, surrender and sadhana at his lotus feet, you have to merge with your sadguru’s oneness. Now as a sadhak, you have started flowing with the flow of the sadguru’s grace and you have become one with the holy one i.e. guru shakti. This oneness or guru shakti makes us experience ananda.

Lord Shiva firmly establishes in verse 36 of the Shri Gurugita that ‘Without a Guru we cannot experience Ananda at all’.

II Yatsatyena jagat satyam, yatprakashena bhaati yat I

I Yadanandena nandanti tasmai Shri Gurave namaha II

“Salutations to Shri Guru, by whose reality the world is real, by whose light the world is illumined and by whose bliss the whole world is blissful.”

A torch can throw light only if it has been powered by batteries; hence the light of the torch is real only because of its batteries. Likewise, you can spread bliss and happiness to your loved ones only when you yourself are charged with bliss and happiness. When you become wise and knowledgeable, then only you can share your wisdom and knowledge with others. Where does your wisdom, light and bliss come from? It comes from the qualities of your own soul, triggered by the sadguru as Guru shakti or Chit shakti because of your faithful sadhana. Your faithful sadhana along with the reverence to your sadguru reflects your very own soul as Sat-Chit-Ananda.

Again Lord Shiva affirms in verse 93 that the Sadguru is bliss and knowledge personified:

II Anandam aananda karam prasannam jnana swaroopam nija bodha yuktam I

I Yogindra meedyam bhavaroga vaidyam Shrimadgurum nityam aham namaami II

“I always bow to Shri Guru, who is bliss, who exudes delight and who is cheerful. His very nature is knowledge and he is aware of his own self. He is highest among the yogis and is adorable.”