
Meditation keeps the mind calm

Shri Nimishananda Guruji

Shri Nimishananda Guruji who had inaugurated the camp in the morning, re-entered the hall at noon. He distributed mementos to each person in the 20-member medical team. Dr Shetty, a devotee of Shri Nimishananda Guruji who had arranged for the team of medical specialists to be present, spoke to the assembled gathering and said, “I have seen many medical camps. But none of us have seen one like this before. Many patients come to medical camps thinking that they will get the services of experienced doctors. Today all the doctors present here are very experienced specialists . So all the patients will get very good attention and treatment. But it is not this, which will cure them. Every cure that takes place here today will happen through the grace of the Divine Mother Nimishamba and Shri Shri Nimishananda Guruji.”

In his brief discourse Shri Nimishananda Guruji said,“From the time man is born, till he dies, it is not only his breath that accompanies him. Somewhere along the way, several diseases may also become his companions. All of us take great care to drink pure water and eat good, nutritious food. We also keep our surroundings clean. In spite of this, we get many ailments. Why does this happen? The negative Karma that we have accumulated in the past and the state of our own mind are responsible for this. The word dis-ease comes from the Latin language and means ‘a mind that is not at ease’. A mind that is not at ease leads us to dis-ease.

Today we think that bacteria and viruses are the cause of disease. This is only partly true. It does not explain why some people are more susceptible to infections than others. There are so many germs in a hospital. But only some people frequently succumb to them. There may even be come doctors and nurses who catch these infections. There are others who are frequently exposed to such germs but they continue to enjoy robust health. The immune systems of such people are very strong. Mental stress weakens the immune system and we get diseases.

Medicines may cure our illness. But once we are well, we must keep the mind tranquil. We should strengthen the mind by feeding it with spiritual thoughts. We must inculcate a deep respect for god, Gurus and our own spiritual culture.

When the mind is strong and pure, there is no disease. All of us have three major powers given to us by god. These are the power to will, the power to cognise and the power to act (Iccha, Jnana and Kriya  When we constantly replenish the energy of these three divine powers in us with spiritual practices, the mind is automatically strengthened. Prayer, ritualistic worship, mantras, japa (chanting), bhajans, pranayama and meditation keep the mind pure and calm.