
‘I believe in my inner voice’

Janani Sampath

Understanding of God

God is someone whom I look at with absolute awe because he/she gives this immense security and faith to people which nothing else can offer — not even money.

I have complete respect for the concept of god.

Spiritual beliefs

Being spiritual is nothing but being good to oneself, in my opinion and in that case, yes I am very spiritual. I love myself, I am my priority and trust my inner voice.

Spiritual practices

I respect others spiritual beliefs that I suppose that is the best practice one can do, for example my father believes that having the Ganesh idol in my car dashboard will keep me safe and I oblige his belief.

Favourite pilgrimage sites

I went to Rameswaram recently with a friend more as a traveller than a devotee and ended up discovering Pamban and Dhanushkodi, which I believe are some of the best places in our part of the country.

As for the future, maybe I’ll go to Rome — who does not dream about a European holiday.

Take on miracles

As some wise men said: We can see a thousand miracles around us every day. What is more supernatural than an egg yolk turning into a chicken?

Take on meditation

When I was 16, my father took me to a psychiatrist as he was worried I might drop out of school. The psychiatrist asked me to focus on a flame and each time I kept blowing the candle, he kept re-lighting it. My mind was too focussed to follow the instructions.  I believe meditation is a way to focus.

In that sense, we all meditate every day. It doesn’t have to be just about sitting still in a room and closing your eyes.

(Inderjit Vasudevan Moorthy is the proprietor of AI Consulting)