
Let go of unnecessary emotions in life

Shri Nimishananda Guruji

They will have their own reasons for doing things that way. Don’t expect anything from them. Whether they offer you something or not, be happy. When we drop rigid expectations and let go of unnecessary emotions, our mind expands and accepts others as they are.Our life becomes very simple and joyous. This requires constant awareness of our own inner state. We shAould be aware of the feelings that we have, the vibrations that we generate, the thoughts that arise in the mind, the words we speak and the actions that we perform, every moment.

Awareness and adaptability go hand in hand with each other. We should practise personal discipline. We must also follow the rules of the place we happen to visit. Awareness brings flexibility which helps us to adapt ourselves to our surroundings and accept people as they are. We have to accommodate everybody in our hearts.These days extended families are rare because we are unable to adjust to other people’s needs, thoughts, feelings and attitudes. Expand your mind and heart. Don’t judge others. At times people may come to us and say — “I have performed so much charity. But my life is filled with troubles.” Why does this happen? In such cases one must examine the intention behind the charitable actions. Were they motivated by love and generosity?

Never feel that you are a benefactor. This will fuel your ego.Regard the opportunity to perform charity as a blessing. Be grateful to the person who has given you this opportunity to serve him and never think of it as a nuisance, hindrance or compulsion. You may deceive anybody about your intentions, but you can never cheat your own conscience.

Carefully examine the motive behind each of your actions. All of you come to these satsanghs every week. Do you come here to imbibe the spiritual vibrations or are you worried that it will look irreverent if you don’t come? Never do anything without sincerity. It becomes hypocrisy and is completely disregarded by the guru, gods and goddesses.

So in the Karma Marga (Path of Action), generosity, joyous giving and sharing are indispensable. The deed that we perform is secondary and automatically follows. How much you give does not matter. God does not distinguish between a one rupee note and a one thousand rupee note. He only looks at the feeling in your heart. Do not think that you can influence god with your money. Everything belongs to him.

There is nothing that we can give him. Don’t try to promise god money if he gives you more profit in your business. God says — “I have given you everything that you have. I am waiting to see what you will return to me with love in your heart.” When you visit a temple, sit there with your eyes closed and ask god how much should be dropped into the sacred collection box or donation box at the temple (Hundi). The amount will emerge in your mind. Don’t try to analyse this intuitive prompting or wonder whether it is a product of your imagination. Simply follow the prompting and donate the amount specified. If you do this with complete devotion, it will be returned to you ten times or a hundred times over.

Most of us have the habit of praying. What do we pray for? Maybe for the fulfillment of our materialistic needs. Or perhaps we are asking god to grant us self realisation. Don’t ask for anything — not even self realisation or divine wisdom. Sit down and talk to god. Say: “God, please use me for your work. I’m waiting to serve you in some way.

— This article is taken from the book Practical Spirituality for Enriched Living by His Holiness Shri Shri Nimishananda Guruji