
Guru Reboots the Life of Disciples

Shri Nimishananda Guruji

CHENNAI: The guru teaches us how to contemplate upon his teachings so that it immediately arrests the regression of the mind.

Lord Shiva says, “Just like medicines have to be forced down the throat of animals to cure them of the diseases they suffer, we need to force down the truth and principles of life into our system, whether we like it or not. Then the guru’s kripa drishti or graceful glance will fall on us.”

The guru’s glance is so powerful that it cuts asunder the maya or illusion. It bulldozes the mental blocks that are preventing free flow of intuition and awareness.

It is only after obtaining nourishment from the guru’s glance, we understand that every moment there is a formation of some thought or the other in our mind, speech or action (Kaaya, Vaacha or Manasa). Since, we are now nourished with awareness, we bulldoze the formation with viveka or discrimination to see if the formation is good or bad. We see if the formation is in line with the cosmic will or not and if it is dharma or adharma.

The guru teaches a disciple the basic obligation of every disciple. He reboots the life of the disciple by teaching the arpana bhava. Lord Shiva says, “Don’t try to hold anything for yourself through your thoughts, speech or actions. Just pass on everything to the guru shakti. The best thing is to let go and be free”.

When a disciple does this, he is actually offering his seat, his power, position, name, fame, problems, complaints, designations and in short everything.

Then, the guru will see to it that we will not get the misfortune of exercising our ego. The guru will ensure that we avoid problems arising out of ego or due to karma. Then, just like the trains change tracks, we also will change track of our life. Although, we are living in bhooloka in the kali yuga or dark age, the guru will show us the satya loka by taking us to the plane of the epoch of truth.

He will also give us the experience of maha loka the higher world and tapa loka where the sages from these worlds will lead us through meditation. Our attitude which hitherto highlighted that other people’s evil eye has been cast on us, will now shift to a different mental plane where we become more and more aware that the guru’s divine glance is upon us, all the saints and sages are nourishing us through their divine glance.

In order to sustain this experience, lord Shiva says, “Continue to implicitly follow Shri Guru Gita along with the 36 principles of truth, then, your perspective will become universal. People who follow dharma only will come in contact with you. You become the generator of cosmic energy in order to facilitate cosmic cooperation. There will be no internal war within you nor any conflict outside of you. You become a messenger of peace and you will learn to pray that there is complete cosmic cooperation from each and every soul.”