
Bid Adieu to Winter Woes

Karmegam S

CHENNAI: Flaky skin, chapped lips, dull and dark skin, cracked heels are some of the common problems we need to fight during winter. Another factor that contributes to skin dryness is, during winters we are constantly exposed to room heaters and blowers which again pull out moisture from the skin, leaving it dehydrated and under-nourished. Heavy clothing too causes skin rashes and makes it itchy and bumpy.Since winter is fast approaching and we know that ‘precaution is always better than cure’ we bring to you few courses of action which you can follow to get glowing glamorous skin this party season.

Skin Hydration: Skin is the largest organ of the body meaning it demands extra care to keep it soft and supple. Creamy moisturisers, oil baths, using a body wash with vitamin E as the key ingredient help to keep the skin hydrated. One easy DIY body lotion is, to take olive oil, almond oil and few Vitamin E capsules extracts, mix them together and your home made lotion is ready.

Body massages rich with anti-oxidant properties that balance and maintain the moisture level is very much recommended this season. A cocoa butter massage is the ideal treatment to go for this winter. Cocoa butter smoothens the skin and helps us to get rid of scars, blemishes and dead skin.

The Perfect Pout: Dry, chapped and peeling lips, sounds familiar right? One very common sight is to see people moisten their lips with their own saliva which is very unhealthy and makes the lips more prone to dryness.

One easy way is to carry a pocket size lip balm in your hand bag. For men who are conscious about the same, there are chapsticks that are specifically meant for males. To naturally moisturise the lips, constant application of coconut oil and almond oil will heal dry lips and also help to get rid of dark lips, giving you the perfect pout for the perfect selfies.

Cracked Heels: Cracked heels are painful and ugly. Extreme dry skin condition are one of the main causes behind cracked heels which gets worse during winters.  To keep cracked heels at bay, regular foot care regimes such as cleaning, scrubbing and moisturising is mandatory along with an intense moisturising pedicure at home or at a salon.

Moisturising Pedicure: This relaxes the muscles, increases blood circulation and nourishes the skin. Also, regular application of petroleum jelly, foot creams to an extent helps to heal crack feet. Try to wear closed shoes or socks to avoid dust and dirt.

Arms, Knees and Ankle Care: Often we notice that our arms knees and ankle darken during winters. Rubbing these areas with lime and honey will lighten them and lock the moisture.

(The writer is the National Skin Trainer at Naturals — Hair & Beauty Salon)