
Want to Give Your Home an Instant Upgrade?

A Azaera

CHENNAI: Pavithra is the goddess of simplicity. Her tips to improve one’s home are simple, yet can bring out an instant upgrade. They range from layering fresh white flowers in a vase and changing little things like cushions.

The workshop by Pavithra at Good Earth recently, saw a crowd of women clustered at the entrance to hear her talk about home décor.

Pavithra gave tips like handing out free candies, all packaged in neat catchy statements. For example, souvenirs are meant for bookshelves; add a plant, not a jungle; put colour behind your bookshelf.

It was obvious by now that Pavithra was an advocate of feeling good and pampering oneself at home. She suggested lighting a beeswax candle. “The whole room will smell like honey and look beautiful. “The candles lying at home should be lit, instead of gathering dust in a corner,” she said.

The crowd was shown how to dress tables at home. They got to see the traditional Madras Table. It had colourful runners layered on top of a muted tablecloth, decorated with flowers and various Madras specific adornments. Fresh flowers, and a whole coconut does a beautiful Madras Table make, she said. Other table settings that she showed included a romantic dreamscape and a colourful peppy breakfast table, which allows one to linger and have that second cup of coffee.

The event was like stepping into a friend’s home and being greeted with warmth and love. The participants were handed glasses of pink lemonade flecked with mint sprigs as they sat back relaxed and watched Pavithra show them how it’s done.