
Ready to Go on a Forest Safari?

Express News Service

CHENNAI: Get ready for a safari into the wild, exploring the animals around — all without really venturing into the woods. Art Safari, an exhibition of wildlife paintings by S Venkatakrishnan at the La Gallerie D’ Expression brings alive ferocious animals, on canvases.

The paintings, which are made with oil colour, graphite and pastels, show the best of nature.

Venkatakrishnan says, “My father, who was an artist himself, specialised in wildlife painting. This helped me develop an interest for wildlife right from my childhood.”

Having a liking towards wildlife, the artist says he spent a a lot of time wandering around in Vandalur zoo, observing animals and taking their photographs. He says that capturing them in photos helps him to reproduce their fine details  on canvas. That apart, he also takes reference from friends who are related to the field. He says, “All this helps me bring wildlife on canvas or paper, just the way I see them.”


he artist, apart from wildlife, has also done paintings of Hindu goddesses and replicas of Raja Ravi Varma’s works among others. He says that no matter what he tries to paint, he focuses on realism.

Venkatakrishnan’s exhibition has 18 pictures on display. Art Safari is on till May 15 at La Gallerie D’Expression in Ambassador Pallava, Egmore.