
Where Justice Has Stood Test of Time

Express News Service

CHENNAI: On one side of what was then a wide avenue called Esplanade Road or China Bazaar Road, stands the Madras High Court. Old photographs show a wide road with the court standing majestically and becoming a part of the landcape. But today, NSC Bose Road shows endless traffic, parked vehicles, pedestrians and vendors all jostling for space. to the extent that the 155-year old building has receded into the background, a piece of living history with a labyrinth of buildings in varied architectural styles. While most court buildings are built in the Western Gothic style, Madras High Court has the distinction of being built in the Indo-Sarcenic style in 1892.

High Court walks every month give locals and visitors a chance to get a glimpse of the buildings, the legends and daily stories within its walls. Started in 2012 by Advocate N L Rajah who was researching for his book, around 20 walks have been completed so far with good response. People interested in architecture and history can discover more about the buildings and their functions, he says.