
Your Dog Doesn't Need a Bath Daily!

Sonali Shenoy

CHENNAI: You’ll never spot a canine with armpit odour but they do perspire. Although unlike their owners, for dogs, it isn’t through the skin. “Close to 90% of a dog’s expulsion of heat is through the paws, nose and tongue,” says senior veterinarian Paul Fredrick. “That’s why so often in a hot day, you will see damp paw prints in the house, even if your pet hasn’t been outside.”

And to stay cool, dogs are known to do everything from licking their paws to panting with their mouths open. The latter helps to evaporate the moisture on its tongue, while the heavy breathing also serves a purpose — it circulates air through their body to help it cool down internally.

Unfortunately, by keeping their pet in an AC room for long hours, well-meaning pet owners often don’t realise they are upsetting this natural thermal regulation system. Another point the canine experts stress is not to bathe them every day, summer or not.

“There is a wax coating on dogs that helps them prevent sunburn,” says Fredrick. “Daily bathing will wash it off and have the opposite effect leading to dryness and a loss of lustre on their fur coats.” So how can you help your four-legged family member cool off? Long time owner Prerna Pradhan says ice cubes and a bowlful of curd usually do the trick. “I never feed my boxers mid-day, because they reject food when it’s hot. Instead they get their meals in the morning and in the evening when its cooler.”

Comfort temperatures

Siberian Husky

0°C to 3°C

Saint Bernard

10°C to 20°C

Pomeranian/Beagle/Doberman/Labrador/Pug 35°C to 39°C

Indian Breeds

37°C to 38°C

Frozen Treats

Avoid grape and citrus fruits as they can cause gastritis for your pet. Unlike human beings, pets are not susceptible to a sore throat. So shower them with chilled treats as summer approaches:

Ice cubes

Frozen cubes beef broth

Chilled watermelon/cucumber
