
Where you relish fighting new villains

Anusha Ganapathi

CHENNAI: I’ve been keeping my ear to the ground, and there has been a lot happening in the gaming world this past week. This news update comes to you in three parts.

A new game: Uncharted 4, one of the most awaited games this year, has released! It is quite  expensive, but I encourage you all to play it on a PS4 in an entertainment centre. The intro  scene is 45-minute long, and they managed to include fist fighting sequences with the  ultimate choreographed stunts. You can almost see the beads of sweat splattering on your  screen after a punch to the face. The detailing is unparalleled — when Nate jumps on a roof top, the roof tiles literally slide down with him (with sound!), and even clouds move like they  do IRL. The YouTuber PewDiePie has initiated his daily playthroughs with game  commentary, and is an entertaining watch.

Movie trailer of a magnificent game: The Assassins Creed movie’s trailer is out and I am very happy. The books which were released before were a welcome novelisation, albeit a little dreary. The movie version however, is using all the additional concept art for the  spectacular views, Michael Fassbender for his awesomeness, and also has the required amount of roof jumps, climbing and sword fights in the trailer to represent it well enough. 

Major game trailers release: The trailers of two long time rivals were revealed. At a first  glance, Battlefield 1’s trailer was nothing short of the typically ‘epic’— a remastered Seven  Nation Army song, and every two seconds featuring a new addition to the game — airplanes  crashing into buildings, fights on horseback, and a rampaging military tank. Huge explosions  and gunshots in every frame, and the vintage air combats with British aircrafts are the talk of  several fan-analysis videos.

On the other hand, the Call of Duty Infinite Warfare reveal has been received negatively, with nearly two million dislikes on its video. The stark difference between the two was the way in which they portrayed war.

Battlefield venerates the explosions, and open combats. CoD’s trailer, thrice as long, detailed on deaths, one-on -one  fights, and news on nations crumbling; and then, a random transition to a space battle.

I hope  to think that the monotony of the “set in future” theme is bothering the fans, rather than the darker reason: lack of war glorification.

(The writer is an economics graduate who spends her leisure time preparing for the zombie apocalypse)