
Become a fish & improve your breathing

Anshu Vyas Seetharaman Garudasan

This is the fish pose. We are looking at the easy version of Matsyasan. The advanced version of Matsyasan (with legs in Padmasana) is a restorative pose and is a counter pose for the shoulder stand (Sarvangasan) that we’ll be looking at later. This easy version of Matsyasan (with legs kept parallel) has several benefits but let’s look at the asan  first.

Lie down on the floor supine. Now tuck your hands below the buttocks palms facing down. Push the floor with your elbows and elevate your chest and shoulders as if your sternum is being hauled up. Next tip your chin towards the ceiling and place your head on the crown allowing the front of your neck to stretch. Keep pushing the crown of your head closer to your upper back.

In the final posture, do not move your neck from side to side. To come out of the posture push the floor with your elbows again and release the crown of your head and gently rest the back of your head on the floor followed by your shoulders. Relax.

This pose stretches the dorsal region and the chest. This improves breathing and therefore lung capacity. The thyroid gets a nice stretch. The pelvis also gets stretched.

(Anshu Vyas Seetharaman is a yoga and fitness trainer at Sri Aurobindo Society, Bengaluru)