
A palette of ice and fire

Saumya Chawla

CHENNAI:  We, at City Express, along with the rest of the world, are looking forward to the latest season of Game of Thrones releasing next week. We would love to whip out our swords and chop off a few heads in a show of support but social customs dictate decency and decorum. That’s why our columnist Saumya Chawla has interpreted the houses, what they stand for and how to really get the look. And no, you don’t have to wait for Halloween to try them out.

Stark of Winterfell, rulers of the North
If you find black and white too plain for your liking, you can switch white for silver and throw some dire wolf claw scratches across a thick smokey ice. Stick to shades of ice and charcoal. Alternatively, you could check out what ace makeup artist Allison Chase created. We would have probably swapped her pink gloss for a nude matte lip, though.

House Tully, rulers of The Riverlands
A leaping silver trout in a field of blue and red certainly makes for an interesting sigil. Bonus points for the carefully etched fish scales on the side of her face! Shape your eyes like fins and really, really go crazy with your highlighter. Contrasting shades can look harrowing sometimes, so it’s essential to go over it layer-wise. Start slow and add the pigments gradually. 

Targaryen of Dragonstone
It is no secret that Daenerys’ platinum braids launched countless peroxide bleach dye jobs, and her style has made waves in the fashion world. The only noble house with actual dragons can take a lot of heat — quite literally. Think burning fire — orange, red and yellow. Load up on the bronzer and skip the dusty pink. 

If you’re wondering how most characters on the show look like they haven’t showered — a lot of work goes into it. Dirt powder — a real-life makeup product is sprinkled on everything. Word on the street has it that the Mother of Dragons has two wigs — one for when she’s dirty, and one for when she’s clean!

Arryn of the Eyrie, rulers of The Vale
As high as honour, and literally living at a dizzyingly high altitude. No reason for your look to speak otherwise. Reach out for shades of the sky — blue lips and icy eyes. It’s easy to look washed out and pale with these shades, so make sure to use just the right amount of blush — not bronzer — to look like a flushed goddess.  

Lannister of Casterly Rock, rulers of The Westernlands
If you’re still wondering how to conceal your dark circles (colour correcting, hello?!), take a leaf out of Paolo Ballesteros’s, or better known as @ponchoy_29’s Instagram, where he transforms himself into actual characters from the series. God bless the wonders of a good contour, right? Oh and another thing: he’s self-taught! If this is a little too intense for you, try an all gold smokey look with a blood red lipstick which screams Lannister. While all that glitters might not be gold — that doesn’t have to be so with your new avatar!

Baratheon of  The Stormlands
Unless you live under a rock, you probably know that the Baratheon house’s sigil is a crowned black stag on a golden field. An interesting way to interpret this would be to incorporate the stag’s angular horns for a fun eyeliner. Pair it with Huda Beauty’s new lip strobe and we’ll be red carpet ready!