
No more statues, I must see the beach when I’m a kilometre away: Kshama Adka

Thushara Ann Mathew

Kshama Adka is the founder and Ice creamer at Shmoozie’s Hand Crafted Ice creams. After travelling around post graduation from MOP Vaishanav college, she is back to Chennai, her home to set up a quaint ice cream palour. She calls her self as a Mangalorean by birth, but by life a Madrasi.

One thing about namma ooru that you fancy?

Gah, it’s the food. No number small eat joints will suffice. One is always different from the other
and as tasty.

A Chennai-based celebrity or personality, you would like to date or go out with?

It would be something to be charmed by Kamal Hassan (winks).  

Three things here that can’t be found in any part of the world?

Sambar, women slaying in Mali poo and ‘Nighty’ and humility.

Your favourite hangout spot?

It has to be the beach (smiles).

Three stereotypes about the city and the people that make you roll your eyeballs?

Firstly, the traffic. Something has changed in the driving sense. Spitting — I have ‘jus-missed’ so many spit -fires while riding and politics, what’s happening bro?  

Where would you take a person who is new to the city? Why?

The small eateries cropping up around the city, because they are really defining the city and the culture. Like idli and sambar on a bench, Biryani on a banana leaf under the tree.

What would you do to prove someone that you are a true Chennai vasi?

Take them on a drive. The abuses that follow kind a seal it for us (laughs).

Two madras bashai words that you would teach a new bee?

Vanakkam (namaste) and nandri (thank you).

Tamil movie dialogue which describes Chennai?

Not able to recollect dialouges, but this song, ‘Enga ooru madrasu ithukku naanga thaane addressu’ (Our city is Madras and we are the address to this place).

Two things from Chennai that you would take to any place you travel.

The reformed English, the knack of asking/giving directions. We would stop everything to help someone find their destination.

If you had to draw a comparison between Chennai and any other city/country...what would it be? and why?

Chennai is Chennai. I think you’d not find this kind of a oxymoronical set up anywhere!

What is the craziest thing you have ever wanted to do in the city? And where?

Ride a cycle from Chennai to Pondicherry. It’s been done. But that is something crazy on the To Do list!

If you would like to install another statue in Marina beach, what or who would it be about?

None! I want to be able to see the beach when I’m a km away!

Describe the city in your own words and style!

Chennai is beautifully defined by it’s subtle contradictions. The city is burgeoning with modern ideas and thoughts but also wants to hold on to all that is dear and old. We welcome western ideas but comfortable in our simplicity.