
Rejuvenate after a tiring day with this stretch 

Anshu Vyas Seetharaman Garudasan

CHENNAI : In Sanskrit Prasarita Padottanasana translates as the extended wide leg intense stretch. A warm-up involving large muscle groups is a pre requisite for intense stretches to flow smooth without injury. If you are an active person you should be able to attain this posture with ease and grace.

● Stand in Tadasan the upright mountain posture. Next inhale and step/jump with your feet to leg length distance or 4 1/2 to 5 feet apart. Take your arms back interlocking the fingers, palms touching and move the hands away from the body. Exhale.

● At your next inhalation bend backwards (moving your hands further away from the body), contracting your back and stretching your abdomen. (This intermediate position is also depicted here). As you exhale, slowly bend forward at the hip joint. TIP: If you have weak hamstring muscles you may bend your knees when going down and slowly straighten your knees once your hands are on the floor.

● INTERMEDIATE STEP: For the next few breathing cycles look ahead stretching your neck and shoulders forward, at the same time push your tailbone backwards. Your arms will be straight and interlocked fingers pointing at the ceiling. This will help to achieve a concave back (this intermediate position was covered here as a Preparatory Pose three weeks ago).

● FINAL POSTURE: Place your head on the floor and breathe deep as you hold the pose for about 30 seconds. Your body weight should remain equally distributed on all corners of your feet. Your interlocked hands will move over your head. Advanced practitioners may also try to move the arms over the head and forward towards your forehead if possible.

● To come out of the pose first inhale and raise your head to look forward next release your arms and place your hands on your waist, exhale and come up to standing. TIP: Bend your knees while coming up for the safety of your back.

● Jump or step back to Tadasan bringing your feet together.

Prasarita Padottanasana III opens the chest, relieves shoulder stiffness and directs increased blood flow to the head and torso as the position of both is as in an inversion. It is good to rejuvenate in this pose after a tiring day! This pose leads to improved flexibility in the lower body. The Hamstrings, abductor and glutes are intensely stretched. This practice leads to improved digestion. This variation with the unique position of hands contracts your upper back and stretches your chest.

Do not try this pose after a meal or after an intense cardio activity.

(AnshuVyas Seetharaman  is a yoga and fitness trainer at  Sri Aurobindo Society, Bengaluru)