
Strengthen your legs with this hand-toe pose 

Anshu Vyas Seetharaman Garudasan

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasan literally translates as the ‘extended hand big toe pose!’ 
In this pose, you extend one arm and hold the toe of the extended leg. This is a balancing pose and requires concentration. Beginners may try it with their back against  a wall. 

● Start from Tad Asan — the upright standing pose. Transfer your body weight on the left leg and bend your right knee. Hold here to breathe normal.
● Next, reach and clasp the right big toe with the index and middle finger of the right hand.
● Retain your left arm on your left side for balance.

Intermediate pose (as shown) 
● Extend the right leg at the knee joint and lift the foot higher while keeping your knee straight. Finish a couple of breathing cycles raising the foot higher at each exhalation.
● To find your balance, you may stretch out the left arm to the side or even up to your shoulder level.

Final pose (not shown here)
● You may hold the right foot/calf with both hands and raise the foot higher till the shoulder or beyond and finally place your forehead or chin on the knee.
● Hold for 2-3 breathing cycles.
● Finally release the leg with an exhalation and come back to upright standing. Repeat the pose on the other side.

This pose strengthens the leg muscles, and the calf and hamstring of the extended leg gets a good stretch. Like all balancing poses, this gives you steadiness and poise.
Anshu Vyas Seetharaman 
is a yoga and fitness trainer at 
Sri Aurobindo Society, Bengaluru