
Protect your plants from harsh winter

Veena Nanda

CHENNAI: Winter is probably the easiest time of year to kill a houseplant. Gruelling growing conditions like lower light levels, dry air, shorter days and chilly temperatures put houseplants through the paces.
The secret to helping plants survive winter is adjusting care routines to suit seasonal growing conditions. Review the basics to give your houseplants top-notch care this winter.

With change in weather and a considerbale dip in temperature, plants are prone to damage. 
Here’s a guide to follow in the coming weeks to keep them fresh and healthy 

In winter, the light levels near windows drop up to 50%. Houseplants that grow near a sunny eastern or northern window in summer may need a southern or western exposure in winter. Add fluorescent bulbs to provide adequate light as they emit less heat.

Homes may offer only 5%-10% relative humidity in winter. Houseplants like 40%-50%. Signs of low humidity stress on plants include brown leaf tips and appearance of pests like Spider Mites. Learn simple ways to improve humidity around plants. If plants need water?
Plants need water when the root zone is dry. Learn how wet soil feels by lifting pots immediately after watering. Always research plant moisture needs if you’re unsure. When you do water, never allow plants to sit overnight in water that collects in the drainage saucer.

Replenish mulch
Winter mulching has many benefits as the soil transitions to colder weather, the freezing and thawing of the earth can adversely affect garden plants. Adding a thick layer of mulch to the soil surface helps regulate soil temperatures and moisture during winter.