
Passionately positive & progressive

Swetha Suresh

CHENNAI: I have been a lawyer for 26 years. Since I am a family court lawyer, most of my clients approach me regarding marital issues and disputes. I have always made it a point to find a solution and work towards a reunion with mutual consent. Only when the issue cannot be resolved, I move the case to the court. But after a point I realised  most couples go through the same ordeal. Trivial issues create misunderstandings and are blown out of proportion leading to disputes.

GV Shoba  D Sampathkumar
GV Shoba  D Sampathkumar

My journey as a motivational speaker began seven years back. I was invited by an NGO to address people from underprivileged backgrounds about domestic violence. That was my first brush with motivational speaking. The feedback I received from the audience took me by surprise. Some told me that they didn’t realise the root cause of their family disputes until I addressed them. They even promised that they will try to solve it. I felt proud that I was able to make a difference in the lives of people.

Let me share one unforgettable incident. A few years ago, I came across a woman who was going through physical abuse. Her husband, an alcoholic, used to get drunk and beat her. When she came to me, I asked her to bring her family for a session.  After persuading, her husband agreed to meet me. I asked them to reconsider divorce and work towards a better marriage. Three months later, she called and thanked me. The husband had stopped drinking and also changed for the better. This incident made me realise that my words could create an impact. .

I understand the importance of having a support system. My parents were my pillars. Despite a lot of people criticising them for allowing me, a girl child, pursue law as a profession, they supported me. My passion for creating a positive life transformation was sparked from my vision of women-empowered society. Throughout my life, I have seen women from different strata who struggle with their identity and place in society. I’ve learned a lot from them.

However, after any motivational session, you are only inspired by the effect of the words replaying in your mind. It is your job to find something to keep you inspired. Do what you love. The public has accepted my words because they see me as a lawyer.So far, I have given more than 500 speeches across cities and every time I address a crowd, they rejuvenate me. I accept situations as they come, I don’t let it play with my emotions, that’s how I keep my inner peace.

Emotions are to be felt, but sometimes they push you over the limits. That’s when you need to understand that everything happens for a reason. Every person who comes in your life teaches you a lesson. I believe that more than how much I change their lives, they change mine.

Prior to these social activities, it was easy for me to choose motherhood above everything else. But, after my kids grew up, I spent more time motivating others. I often take up the role of a friend and talk to my kids when they feel low. My husband supported me in every step I took. When he passed away three months back, I felt lost at first. But, that didn’t stop me from taking the stage again. I keep myself engaged, and I don’t regret not having time for myself because this is what I love to do. I also want to create environmental awareness.I urge people to not give up during tough times. There is always a tomorrow to look forward to and a yesterday to learn from.