
Now, a private touch to maintaining Chennai parks

Omjasvin MD

CHENNAI: Citing manpower shortage, the Greater Chennai Corporation has handed over maintenance of 554 parks out of the total of 669 within city limits to private parties. A total of 61 contractors have been selected at a total contract value of about Rs 40 crore.

Out of the remaining parks, the civic body is maintaining 51 and 61 parks have been adopted by local welfare associations, NGOs and others. Three parks have been temporarily closed.

Officials said strict norms had been fixed for maintaining the parks. For instance, the maintenance staff must wear uniforms and badge of the company and watchmen must be aged between 18 and 50. “The contractors must strictly abide by wage laws and strict action will be taken on complaints of exploitation,’’ they said.

Besides, the Corporation has also ordered contractors to set up three rain water harvesting structures in small parks and 10 in big parks by January end. “Zonal officers will supervise the progress and if three is no improvement, their contract will be terminated after a few warnings,’’ the officials said.
Working time 

  • Shift 1: 5 am to 1 pm 
  • Shift 2: 1 pm to 9 pm 

Mowing, trimming
Once in 30 days during summer, once in 15 days in winter