
Sindhi ladies shake a leg 

Naaz Ghani

CHENNAI: The party was in full swing at the Diwali bash thrown by the Chennai Sindhi Ladies Chapter (CSLC) at Lord of the Drinks in Belstead Hotel on Tuesday. The resto-pub was brimming with women greeting each other and talking excitedly. Some had already begun dancing to tunes by Abba and Bon Jovi. Attendants steered their way through the crowd serving treats and lemonade to guests. “Our main goal is to retain our sense of community and empower women to become more confident and social,” said Bharathi Ahuja, the first president of the Chapter. 

The association holds at least one meeting every month for members to interact and learn something new. “We have invited many speakers to cover topics like nutrition, health and childcare for our members,” said Uma Wadhwan, former president.

Launched in 2011, in coordination with the South India Federation, the Chennai Sindhi Ladies Chapter sets a clear example of a collective effort towards women empowerment. “I was an  introvert before I joined the Chapter. After meeting so many like-minded women, I have opened up and gained so much confidence,” said Jayashree Nishani, treasurer. 

Current president Renu Raheja is the brain behind the bash. “I took over as president in June. I want our members to experience something new at every meeting we conduct,” she said. 
The Chapter has actively motivated home-based female entrepreneurs to display their products in an exhibition for all members which was held last year. “Being the Secretary of CSLC has allowed me to accomplish my dream of serving my community,” said Nisha Narang, secretary. 

Carrying the baton forward, Renu covered every detail of the bash — from the music to the return gifts. “There was a lot of thought that was put into choosing a return gift. I picked a lantern because that is what we gift our daughters when they enter a new home. It is like gifting happiness and positivity,” Renu said.