
Seeking a sense of calm on a canvas

K Sowmiya

CHENNAI: The lockdown has been hard on many people. It was difficult for me too, until I tapped into my latent talent of painting and crafting. During my childhood, I loved making art and craft. I was always surrounded by papers and colours, and loved working on them whenever I was free. This love and understanding of art, paints and craft, made me explore more designs. And what better time than the lockdown. 

After my marriage I settled down in Chennai. I could never find time for my hobby because I was consumed by house chores and my project work for MPhil in Mathematics, which I am pursuing at Thiruvalluvar University. With the University shut, and all family members at home, I found time to get back to my first love. I made a lot of paintings and crafts. As I was working on them, I reminisced about my childhood where I had won several prizes for my works. I believe that it were some kind of creative experiments like these that kept people going during the lockdown. Art and craft have helped keep my mind sharp.

Even though we have a lot of options like watching movies/serials or listening to songs, to while away time, I think art and craft helps you mentally and also adds value to your house. My artworks have always enlivened my house. As I draw more, I observe more and take inspiration from my surroundings. I am also regularly practising yoga under the guidance of my father-in-law who is a yoga expert. 

K Sowmiya