
How to press pause on osteoporosis in menopausal women

Dr Anand M

CHENNAI: Osteoporosis is a common debilitating disease causing reduction in bone strength leading to skeletal fractures, most frequently of the wrist, spine and hip. The bone fractures can be due to a quantitative issue (inadequate amount of bone density) or qualitative issue (perforations or cracks in the bone). Post-menopausal Asian women are a high risk category due to naturally occurring estrogen deficiencies. Their bone health tends to worsen with time.

You are what you eat

  • It is best to avoid overindulging in aerated drinks, caffeine, excessive alcohol, salty or sweetened snacks, candies, burgers, cakes etc.
  • Consume metabolism-boosting foods like dairy (yoghurt, milk and cheese), grains (oatmeal, red rice, brown rice, whole wheat, barley etc.), nuts (almonds, walnuts, peanuts, etc.), a variety of seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables, a mix of greens, eggs, white meat and seafood.
  • Plan your meals well to ensure you include a high amount of protein, minerals and vitamins to keep your bones healthy.
  • Water is your best friend; hydrate yourself frequently for good bone health.
  • Strictly follow dietary supplementation of calcium or vitamin D if prescribed by your doctor.

Never too late
Brisk walking, light dancing, yoga, water aerobics, badminton and tai chi can be practised. Exercises supported by light weights must be practised especially by post-menopausal women to increase
bone strength and density. Maintaining a good posture helps as it creates less strain on the spine. Bone health weakens with physical inactivity. Thus, it is mandatory for post-menopausal women to incorporate the following bone-strengthening exercises.

Exercise 1

  • Lie on your stomach.
  • Place both your hands on the ground, near your chest.
  • Lift your head and chest away from the ground and hold for 10 seconds.

Exercise 2

  • Lie on your stomach.
  • Place your elbows on the ground and lift your legs up alternatively and hold for 10 seconds each.
  • Do not bend your knee.

Exercise 3

  • Kneel down and place your hands on the ground.
  • Arch the spine upwards and hold for 5 seconds.

Exercise 4

  • Kneel down and place your hands on the ground.
  • Lift each hand and hold it in line with the shoulder for 10 seconds.

Exercise 5

  • Lie down on the ground on your stomach.
  • Get into plank position; raise yourself with your forearms placed the ground and your toes touching the ground pointing inwards.

For the knees

  • Sit on the floor, stretch your legs and press the knees down towards the ground, pulling the toes towards you and hold for 10 seconds.
  • Without bending the knee, raise each leg up to 50-60 degrees for 10 seconds.
  • Lift both legs for three seconds and lower them.
  • Turn sideways and lift leg without bending knee. Hold for 10 seconds.
  • Sit on a chair; straighten your leg and hold. Repeat 5-10 times on both legs.
  • Squats greatly help strengthen the knees
  • Raise the leg upwards from the knee at right angle to the thigh and hold for 10 seconds.

Consult your orthopedic surgeon for the right course of medications like calcium, vitamin D or other bone-stimulating agents for osteoporosis prevention.

(The writer is a consultant orthopedic surgeon (Spine, Trauma & Joint Replacement), Fort i s Malar Hospi tal , Chennai)

Causes of osteoporosis in menopausal women

Low body weight

If you are a smoker

Use of osteopeniaproducing medication, such as glucocorticoids or excessive doses of thyroid hormones

Presence of recently occurred fractures

Inadequate calcium intake

Inadequate exercise

Sedentary lifestyle