
Six test Covid positive in Anna University

Express News Service

CHENNAI: Six students tested positive for Covid-19 on Anna University campus in Guindy on Tuesday. Fourty of them were tested after a student who attended a cultural programme showed symptoms, officials said.

Health Secretary J Radhakrishnan, who inspected the campus on Tuesday, said students have been asked to isolate themselves and more tests would follow. “Of the 40 samples taken so far, six of them returned positive. We have all facilities to treat patients, but it is important for people to follow preventive measures,” he said. He also advised people who have symptoms to undergo tests immediately without waiting for a few days.

Students who tested positive didn’t have travel history. “Covid cases are under control. Despite taking vaccination, a section of people are reporting reinfection. These clusters are reported only among patients who have a travel history or after attending events where a large number of people participate. Contract tracing, testing of symptomatic people and saturation tests will also be done,” Radhakrishnan said.