
A divine photoshoot

Ilakiya Rani M

CHENNAI: In the realm of artistic brilliance, where photography meets devotion, there exists a studio. Harshadjee, a graphic designer who spent 15 years in the IT field, has crafted a mystical haven named Harshadjee Photography Studio. Here, models and ordinary individuals are transformed into ethereal deities with realistic makeup, costumes, and special effects.

Cosmic calling

The journey of this enchanting studio began in 2020, initially focusing on themes of ancient kings and warriors. However, a serendipitous encounter with actress Rekha changed everything. A devotional concept photoshoot went viral, prompting Harshadjee and his team to pivot their focus towards deities. The response was overwhelming, as numerous people stepped forward to experience this.

“Three years back, during the lockdown, I noticed a lot of cardboards, old newspapers and craft items in my home. Utilising that time, I made some necklaces, swords and crowns which could be used as props used by Gods. That’s how the idea of transforming a human into a deity struck me,” Harshadjee shares. His first project was transforming himself into God Kala Bairavar.

Those opting for the shoot can select the deity they want to be. “Most models approach me with their own favourite gods and unique ideas. Even male models express their desire to embody Goddesses. It’s about embracing the divine connection within,” he says.

Harshadjee meticulously studies the model’s anatomy and facial structure to convincingly recreate the deity’s features. Some models face physical discomfort during the lengthy sessions, while others hesitate about eye make-up, crucial in embodying the divine image. When met with criticism, he remains steadfast in his belief that the transformation into Gods is a profound expression of ancient traditions and the divine presence within each soul.

Rituals of rebirth

The models are asked to undergo a three-day fasting period before the photoshoot. “During the fast, they should detach themselves from family, be alone, meditate, and calm themselves. It’s a spiritual preparation for the transformation into a deity,”  he says, adding “I consider those who come to my photoshoot as God-blessed souls, deserving of this opportunity. It’s not just about money; it’s about connecting with divine essence within them.” He firmly believes that we are particles of the divine, and embracing the portrayal of Gods is an opportunity to reconnect with the cosmic power within us.

Harshadjee’s passion for authenticity is evident in his work. He handcrafts each prop, drawing inspiration from the intricate jewellery found in temples. The studio’s unique fusion of artistic brilliance, VFX technology, and devotion has given rise to a new trend. The art of Harshadjee Photography has not only redefined the portrayal of gods but has also influenced other significant life events, with pregnancy photoshoots and puberty functions embracing the devotional concept. As this trend gains momentum, more people are reconnecting with their spiritual selves.