
Tresses that need no stresses

Sadhvika Srinivas

CHENNAI:  Hair is a natural part of one’s look and an expression of their personality. Each strand has a hair shaft and a hair root of its own. The shaft is the visible part of the hair that sticks out of the skin. The root is in the skin and extends down to the deeper layers of the skin. It is surrounded by the hair follicle. New hair cells are produced in the hair bulb.

Hair growth involves three phases namely:

  • Anagen phase: It is the active phase (growth phase) where hair fibres are produced. This can take several years.
  • Catagen phase: It is the transient regression phase.
  • Telogen phase: Also known as the resting phase where the hair follicle is dormant and no hair growth occurs from the hair shaft. Ten-fifteen per cent of all hairs in the body are in this phase. It happens for few weeks for eyelashes and nearly one year for scalp hair.

Hair growth is controlled by hormonal changes. Genetic factors are also responsible for the growth, density, length, colour and texture of hair. Causes for early greying of hair includes vitamin B12 deficiency, megaloblastic and pernicious anaemia, endocrinal disorders, auto immunity, hyperthyroidism, alopecia areata, nervous stress, migraine, oxidative stress, tuberculosis and certain chemicals. 

The causes for hair fall includes excessive supplement usage, family history, smoking, cardiac diseases, osteopenia and deficiency of nutrients such as calcium, copper, ferritin, vitamin B12, vitamin B7, folic acid and zinc. Other causes include post-partum, being older than 40 years of age, menopause, tight hairstyles, overprocessed hair, FAD/restrictive diets, and medications, etc.

Hair loss
Hair loss is a distressing condition that is associated with a multitude of natural, medical or nutritional conditions. 

Foods for hair loss

  • Drumstick leaves: The miracle of the moringa tree contains beta carotene and is a significant source of vitamin A, vitamin C, protein, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper and magnesium. Take along with a vitamin C source to enhance iron absorption and increase haemoglobin levels. Drumstick leaves possess anti-inflammatory mechanisms, enrich anaemic blood, support the immune system, help with malnutrition, general weakness, mental alertness, eyesight, bone strength, menopause, depression and osteoporosis.
  • Gooseberry (Amla): Twenty ml of gooseberry juice contains 600 mg of vitamin C. It helps to requisite the synthesis of collagen and promotes the absorption of iron. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Fenugreek leaves and seeds: These are high sources of protein, which help to treat baldness, thinning of hair and hair fall. They contain lecithin — a natural emollient which helps in strengthening and moisturising the hair. They also help to keep dandruff away and keep the hair free of lice.
  • Curry leaves: Beneficial for hair growth as they are high in beta carotene and protein content which is instrumental in preventing hair loss and hair thinning. The amino acid content in curry leaves strengthens hair fibre. Proteins are necessary for hair growth because hair is made up of protein and is also vital for hair development.
  • Curcumin: From turmeric, is an excellent antioxidant which helps improve multiple metabolic functions which are essential for normal hair growth.
  • Pecan nuts: Helps in protecting brittle hair, hair loss and promotes hair growth.
  • Spirulina: A superfood which is a great source of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 and folic acid. It also increases haemoglobin and improves metabolism.

Oils for hair growth

  • Peppermint oil: Contains menthol, skin conditioning agent, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-allergenic and anti-tumour actions.
  •  Mustard oil: When applied over scalp, stimulates hair growth.
  • Argan oil: Improves elasticity, sebostatic — the high oleic acid content has been found to have regulatory effect on sebum secretion, provides a moisturising effect as it has a food water holding capacity.