
Five juveniles kill college student in Delhi bus; all apprehended

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NEW DELHI: Five juveniles in school uniform allegedly stabbed to death an 18-year-old college student in a bus on southeast Delhi's Mathura Road, following which all of them were apprehended, the police said today.

The incident took place yesterday when the victim was checking the pockets of the accused on suspicion that they had stolen his mobile phone, they said.

The juveniles were apprehended today, the police said.

Mohd Anas had boarded a cluster bus from Ashram to go to Jamia Nagar. The accused, who had also boarded the bus from the same stop, snatched Anas's phone which led to an argument, they said.

When Anas started searching their pockets, one of the juveniles stabbed him in the neck while another restrained him, the police said, adding following the incident, the juveniles jumped off the bus and fled.

The victim was rushed to the Holy Family Hospital where he was declared brought dead, they said.

Eyewitnesses told the police that the accused were wearing the uniform of a government school and were in their teens.

On the basis of the information gathered from other passengers, the police started scanning government schools in areas near the bus stop.

Five juveniles, allegedly involved in the incident, were identified. They were studying in class eight, nine and 10, and were residents of Ali Vihar and Badarpur, a police official said.

All of them were apprehended today and the snatched mobile phone was also recovered, he said.

Police are probing whether they were earlier involved in similar incidents.