
A shift from IT to teaching 

Aashita Dayal

IT professional Aashita Dayal decided to turn into a teacher after 12 years of experience in the corporate sector.

What made you quit your job and enter the teaching profession?
I worked as an IT professional before shifting to teaching. Balancing long working hours and home was stressful and hence I took a sabbatical, and gave a lot of thought to what would make me truly happy, and decided on education. Taking up teaching as a profession was a conscious decision.

But teaching is not rated very highly in our country...
This profession has come a long way. The style of teaching has witnessed a sea change, from rote learning and following teachers’ notes to nurturing skills through experiential learning. Teaching is very satisfying since as a teacher you can inculcate a sense of inquiry in young minds while encouraging them to seek answers. Also, as a teacher you have to constantly hone your own skills to ensure that you are adept at shaping young, impressionable minds.