
Online reiki for self-healing

Nikita Sharma

To help people while they are in lockdown, spiritual healer and life coach Priya Kaul organised an online workshop, Learn Reiki Healing, on her Facebook group Online Streaming Workshops earlier this month. During the four-hour live session, Kaul taught stress relieving and relaxation techniques from this Japanese healing practice.

The 36-year-old healer said, “We had announced this workshop 15 days back and a total of 55 people enrolled for this. I usually charge Rs 8,000 for Level 1 and 2 workshop, I made it a ‘pay as you wish’ session since a lot of people are in need of help. Participants asked questions in the comment section, and I told them how they can draw the symbols and send healings to the universe to heal themselves.”

Participants can remain in touch with Kaul over WhatsApp and calls for their queries and concerns over the next 10 days. “Since it was their first reiki workshop, I told the participants about the etheric chakras and how people can open the blocked chakras. I got a few queries on how is it different from meditation and other forms of healing,” she said, adding, “Reiki healing is about becoming conscious about your being. You have to imagine that the white light is entering from the crown and reaching root chakras and vice versa. Names of all healing forms are different but they use the universal life force energy to heal.”

She also discussed how diseases attract people. “If you have a health issue now, we believe that it had entered your aura a few months back. Participants were people who had no money, and those who had lost dear ones, but they joined the session to empower themselves,” said Kaul, who is a philosophy graduate and PhD in Tarot Science.

Asked how a person would know whether they are being healed, she said, “We call this lockdown period healing crisis period. After the attunement, people have to heal themselves completely. A person who attended the workshop called up saying I had a cold for five days, but I ran the energy and my cold has gone. You will see the changes on your own.”

Kaul will organise an 11-day Whatsapp Workshop on How Gratitude Can Change Your Life from April 10. “I will give daily affirmation and prayer on the group. Also, challenges will be given to the participants on a daily basis,” said Kaul.

She has trained a team who assist people if she is not available.

She can be reached at