
Indian Youth Congress sets up community kitchen at Headquarters

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NEW DELHI: A community kitchen and a food bank have been set up at the headquarters of the Indian Youth Congress at Raisina Road in the national capital for people affected by the lockdown imposed to control the spread of coronavirus, president of the outfit Srinivas BV said on Friday.

The Indian Youth Congress headquarters, a sprawling bungalow in Lutyens’ Delhi, has established a 24x7 food bank to supply fresh food and clean drinking water. An automatic machine capable of making 1,000 chapatis within an hour has also been set up at the kitchen, he said.

The mega kitchen is already providing food to thousands of people. Food packets are also being supplied directly to the needy people across several areas in Delhi, Srinivas said. “The nation is fighting an unknown and unprecedented enemy in the form of a global pandemic.

“In this hour of need, we at the Indian Youth Congress remain determined and firm to shoulder the responsibility bestowed upon all responsible citizens and organizations of the country to help the underprivileged in this fight against COVID-19 and its effects,” he said. The IYC is also running various campaigns to attend to the needs of the underprivileged people, those who are devoid of food, groceries and basic medical supplies, across the nation, he said.

All the volunteers involved with preparation and distribution of food have been instructed to strictly follow social distancing guidelines. Every activity is being closely monitored and mirco-managed by IYC incharge’ Krishna Allavaru and Srinivas BV, said Amreesh Ranjan Pandey, IYC media incharge.

With agency inputs