
No such thing as quick fixes: Dhruv Bhushan

Nikita Sharma

He was 172 kgs, and during his journey of shedding 70 kilos, Dhruv Bhushan, 34, dived deep into the nutraceutical and supplements industry.

After over three years of research and having perfected the formulations and product trials with over 10,000 people – lifestyle, fitness, health and wellness experts, Habbit Health is set to debut from January 1 with a range of super shakes, health boosts, smart chocolate bites, beverages and ice-creams.

An interview with Bhushan:

What were your findings during your weight loss journey? 

Most nutritional offerings in India were targeted at bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts, and not for regular folks.

There was no product innovation happening in India, and everyone was just playing on the same old cookie-cutter formulations in fancier branding. This coupled with the problem of fakes, made me realise that someone will have to dig deep, and solve the problem with a full-stack approach.

What is your USP?

Our brand is a lifestyle because health is a habit. With our own proprietary products in nutra, food and beverage, and also a digital layer of services, engagement and content, we are the easiest way for anyone to start their health journey.

How do fake dietaries and neutraceutical products pose a serious threat to a person’s health?

Industry insiders suggest that more than 90 per cent of nutraceuticals available in India are either fake, or low quality. These lead to problems like heaviness, bloating, flatulence, indigestion, acne, pimples, and rashes.

There have been instances of even death. Another issue is that most of these supplements are loaded with performance enhancers, steroids, chemicals and harmful compounds. So, do not rely on quick fixes, there is no such thing. Speak to a health professional or a nutritionist and supplement only those nutrients lacking in your diet. 

How can you decipher genuine from fakes?

Buy directly from a trusted brand through its website. The bigger problem than fakes is that most companies use whatever formulations are available in the West, or copy products from there, or just sell products from international brands.