
Air quality deteriorates slightly in Delhi, to improve post December 3

Vatsala Shrangi

NEW DELHI:  Air quality in Delhi deteriorated slightly on Wednesday. Clouds hid the sun, while winds remained calm, not allowing dispersion of pollutants accumulated in the air. Air quality is likely to get worse over next two days because of calm wind conditions, according to government agencies.

As per the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Delhi’s overall air quality index (AQI) was 370, as against 328 the previous day. Officials in the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said winds are likely to remain calm over Delhi and adjoining areas, as Western Disturbance (WD) reached the city on Tuesday, because of which there is a cloud cover. “Cloudy conditions did not allow sunlight to reach the ground.

In absence of enough winds and sun, there was no dispersion of pollutants. Also, there is a light rain forecast on Thursday, and hence high moisture content in the air further allowed trapping of pollutants. Winds are likely to pick up from December 3 after which improvement in air quality may be expected,” said a senior IMD scientist.

Also, he said, another WD is approaching the capital around December 6-7, when air quality is likely to plunge. “As it is only a light rain forecast, it won’t help clear the air, rather add to trapping of pollutants because of high humidity,” he said.

A winter outlook bulletin released by the IMD on Wednesday said that between December and February, Delhi is likely to see below-normal day (maximum) temperatures and above-normal night (minimum) temperatures. “This means that even though the days will be cold, the nights will be warmer. This may allow some dispersion in the night. But if winds remain calm in the day coupled with low temperature, it may not help improve air quality,” the scientist said.

On Wednesday, the maximum temperature was 23 degrees C, two notches below normal. Minimum temperature settled at 11.5 degrees C, two notches above normal for this time of the year. The System for Air Quality and Weather Forecasting and Research said: “From December 3, winds are expected to increase dispersing pollutants but AQI to remain in ‘very poor’ category. Low mixing layer height is preventing efficient dispersion of pollutants.”