
A drop of health

Deepika Rathod

Winter is here and so are the allergies that come with this season. Apart from some common winter allergies, joint pain is also one of the concerns of elderly people.

That is why winters call for all heat-inducing foods to keep the allergies away, metabolism in check, and also to control the aches and pains by adding warmth to our body.

Apart from following our regular treatment, we can also look at adding one important essential oil to our routine to keep all these issues away.

I am talking about frankincense oil, a common type of essential oil used in aromatherapy sessions.

It is derived from the Boswellia tree and has enormous health benefits attributed to its polyphenols that have different properties such as being an antiseptic, disinfectant, and more. 

  •  When we inhale the aroma of this oil, it has been shown to reduce heart rate and blood pressure, apart from having anti-anxiety and depression-reducing abilities. You can add 2-3 drops of this oil in hot water for bathing or use it in an oil diffuser to fight anxiety.

  •  It also has immunity-enhancing and antiseptic properties that may help destroy dangerous bacteria, viruses, and microbes in our body. It can be used to prevent germs and different infections related to the respiratory tract where the frankincense essential oil helps provide relief from coughing, phlegm, mucus in the lungs, control allergies and to make breathing easier particularly in cold weather. Add 2-3 drops of this oil to a cloth and inhale twice a day. Use it on a pillow while sleeping or use in an oil diffuser.

  •  Frankincense oil balances menstrual cycles and also delays menopause. It also helps to alleviate different symptoms associated with menses and PMS such as pain or cramps in the abdominal area, nausea, fatigue, headache, irritation and mood swings.

  •  It has been observed that frankincense can also strengthen our skin by improving elasticity, skin tone and defense mechanisms against bacteria. In addition, it also reduces the appearance of blemishes that appear with aging. It tones and lifts the skin cells and promotes the regeneration of healthy skin cells keeping our existing skin cells and tissues healthy. When applied topically or inhaled, it can make the scars and marks of boils, acne, and a pox on the skin fade gradually. Mix six drops of frankincense oil to 30-50ml of cold-pressed coconut oil and apply it directly to the skin. It’s always better to do a small patch test first to check for any possible allergic reactions before using.

  •  It also has anti-inflammatory properties which help in controlling joint aches and pain by reducing inflammation. Mix 3-4 drops of frankincense oil in 30ml warm sesame oil and massage it gently on joints to gradually work on controlling pain levels.

  •  Use this essential oil during the winter to enhance your immune system and keep aches and pains away.

Deepika Rathod

Chief Nutrition Officer, Luke Coutinho Holistic 

Healing Systems. The writer is a clinical nutritionist with a focus on healthy lifestyle choices.