
JNU VC orders probe after campus defaced with casteist slogans

Amit Pandey

NEW DELHI: The campus of Jawahar Lal Nehru University was defaced with anti-brahmin slogans written on the walls of the college and faculty rooms on Wednesday. Asking for an inquiry on this incident, the university Vice Chancellor Shantishree Dhulipudi Pandit has taken a serious note. “The administration condemns these exclusivist tendencies on campus. Such incidents will not be tolerated as the university belongs to all,” said the registrar on Thursday in a note.

The note further mentioned, “The Dean, School of International Studies and Grievances Committee, has been asked to inquire and submit a report to the VC at the earliest. The VC reiterates zero tolerance for any kind of violence on campus.” According to students, the School of International Studies-II building’s walls were defaced with anti-Brahmin and anti-Baniya slogans.

Several of the signs on the wall read: “There Will Be Blood, Brahmin Bharat Chhodo, Brahmins Leave The Campus, and Brahmino-Baniyas, We Are Coming For You! We’ll take revenge.” RSS- affiliated student wing, Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) accused left-wing students of this act.

“The communists have written abuses on the walls of JNU in the School of International Studies- II building. They have defaced chambers of free-thinking professors to intimidate them,” said ABVP JNU President Rohit Kumar.