
Gearing up for a milestone mission

Simi Kuriakose

When musing about the outbreak of COVID-19 and the initial pandemic-induced lockdown, many will recall the countless banana breads that emerged straight from the oven and made their way to aesthetic Instagram reels. Or how, a few people decided to conjure up the plant gods as they tried their hand at gardening. The initial phase of the pandemic was no different for Gagan Khosla (65). Harking back to that time, the Delhi-based entrepreneur—he is a former chartered accountant—shares,

“When the pandemic hit us in March 2020, we thought the lockdown was just for three days, and then it will be over. We had no clue what it’s going to be like. We were at home, having parties, making fancy dinners.” It was after watching the mass exodus of migrant workers across the country, when he—as did others—realised the gravity of this situation and how it has most impacted the economically-vulnerable groups. Khosla adds, “We were watching TV and saw the mass exodus of people working in factories, etc. They were leaving Delhi and had no means to reach their cities. It was so hot [back then] and they were walking with their kids and bori-bistara [bag and baggage]. I said ‘What’s going to happen to these guys?’.”

Riding for a cause
Over the days, while browsing through news channels, Khosla discerned the threat that the pandemic posed especially to learning opportunities of financially-disadvantaged children. “I realised that these kids will have no right to education. Also, many kids who lost their parents—either one or both—were now at the mercy of outside elements. It was a grim situation, as there’s a large population that will not get help from NGOs, government, or people. And they were going to suffer.” Khosla ensured the soirées at home were stopped right away. In fact, he decided to physically push the boundaries—something he is familiar with after he rode 4,300km on a bicycle from Leh to Kanyakumari to celebrate his 60th birthday so as to raise funds for his former institution, Scindia School, Gwalior, in 2016.

As we slowly experience pre-pandemic normalcy, Khosla is now gearing up for a 6000km cycling odyssey across India’s Golden Quadrilateral road network (Delhi-Kolkata-Chennai-Mumbai-Delhi) to celebrate his 66th birthday—he will start the journey on 20/21 November. For the “35-day” cycling expedition, he has partnered with Save The Children India. “[Thinking about those children] struck a chord with me. I’ve partnered to create awareness and raise funds. I wish to raise at least a crore rupees for this cause."

For the love of sports
Ask him if he has any pre-ride jitters given how challenging this ride could be, Khosla—who calls himself ‘an ordinary sportsperson with a complete zeal for sports”—signs off, “I have been training nearly five-times a week for the past many years, and I keep myself fit. Also, I make it a point to keep my diet simple. I really don’t know (laughs); I think I am fit and I can do this. I believe if you’re averagely fit and have strong mental resolve, it can be done.”