
CUET chaotic and irresponsible, must be rolled back: JNUTA

Express News Service

NEW DELHI: The Jawaharlal Nehru University Teachers Association (JNUTA) on Monday demanded withdrawal from the Common University Entrance Test (CUET), calling it calling it “chaotic and irresponsible” which entails the erosion of the university’s autonomy. According to JNUTA, as of September 12, the Jawahar Lal Nehru University had “lost” more than 100 teaching hours at the undergraduate and PhD levels.

Teachers also claimed that NTA’s withdrawal from conducting PhD entrance tests for 20 central universities has created a state of confusion and that it is likely that JNU will not have any PhD admission this year. The delay in the result of CUET 2022 has caused the loss of 160 hours of teaching over the seven weeks at the undergraduate level. At the PG and PhD levels, there has been a loss of 112 hours of teaching hours, said the JUNTA in its statement.

The JNUTA representatives alleged that the CUET-based system is creating insurmountable losses in the field of teaching and learning for current and future generations, besides causing irreparable harm to democratic and participative governance in the university.

The JNUTA teachers spoke about the extremely adverse impact of the CUET-based system of admissions on JNU’s educational programmes.“The existence of the CUET has ensured that no decision about admissions can be taken within the university anymore, thus effectively undoing Parliament,” JNUTA said.