
Can’t impose blanket ban on sale of acid in city, says Delhi High Court

Express News Service

NEW DELHI:   The Delhi High Court on Thursday refused to completely ban the sale of acid over the counter in the city, saying it could adversely affect businesses and individuals who require it for lawful purposes. It directed the Delhi government to strictly implement the existing rules and regulations for the sale of acid and prevent its misuse for crime. 

The high court said in cases of non-compliance of the rules or unlawful sale of acid, the authorities must take swift and decisive action against the offenders. By imposing strict penalties on those found to be involved in the illegal sale or misuse of acid, the state authorities can create a deterrent effect and encourage compliance, it said.

The issue demands continued vigilance and proactive measures. While a regulatory mechanism is in place, we believe much more needs to be done. The Delhi Poisons Possession and Sale Rules, 2015 incorporate provisions that permit sale of acid to vendors who are licensed at the discretion of the licensing authority. The license is issued only to applicants who demonstrate compliance with the stipulated provisions.

“These provisions must be diligently and strictly enforced, and the State must ensure effective safeguards to ensure that acid does not fall into the hands of offenders. Therefore, rather than striking down the 2015 rules or directing a complete ban, we direct the Delhi government to ensure proper implementation of the existing legal framework,” a bench of Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma and Justice Sanjeev Narula said.

The high court’s order came on a petition by an acid attack survivor, actively engaged in assisting such victims with aftercare, rehabilitation, legal recourse and pursuit of compensation, seeking a total ban on over-the-counter sale of acid in stores across Delhi. The petitioner contended that the ground reality remains unchanged and occurrences of such horrific attacks are on the rise due to unfettered and effortless access to acid.

To ascertain the prevailing situation and highlight the “inefficiency” on the part of the Delhi government in curbing and regulating the sale of acid, the petitioner conducted a fact-finding survey within the city by enlisting interns and volunteers, including minors, who were able to procure acid from almost every part of the capital, without any difficulty.

The high court said a total ban on the sale of acid could have unintended consequences, affecting sectors where acid is responsibly and safely utilised, and added that striking a balance between public safety and the legitimate uses of acid for industrial and other regulated purposes is crucial.