Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Jawaharlal Nehru University.  (Photo| JNU Facebook)

JNUSU protests against US envoy visit continues

Express News Service

NEW DELHI: The Jawahar Lal Nehru University Students’ Union (JNUSU) on Tuesday held a demonstration inside the campus over the visit of US Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti.

His visit has been postponed amid a pro-Palestine protest by the university’s students’ union on the campus.

Demonstrators on the JNU campus displayed banners with messages such as ‘Free Palestine’, ‘No more money for Netanyahu’, and ‘Stop the genocide now’, signalling strong opposition to the US’s policies in the Middle East.

The JNUSU expressed their dissatisfaction with the administration’s decision to invite Garcetti and cited the appearance of the US Ambassador as contrary to the university’s values of justice, human rights and solidarity.

“The US support for Israel in the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict is in direct contradiction to the values we hold dear at JNU,” JNUSU said in a statement. The student union has been vocal in its support for Palestine and has condemned the actions of Israel in Gaza.