
Traditional solutions for a cooler summer

Shreya Varanasi

As the month of May begins, the city of Hyderabad along with the rest of the country is battling extreme temperatures. The quest for staying cool takes on new urgency as the mercury continues to soar. People turn to air-conditioners, coolers, and even cold water to stay cool in this scorching heat. However, these solutions are short-lived and might even have adverse effects on one’s health. The ongoing environmental crisis must also be considered as it is also one of the reasons for the rising temperatures.

People around the world are looking for creative, eco-friendly methods to beat the heat without increasing environmental problems. Ideas ranging from innovative architecture designs to clever lifestyle changes are the focal point of many discussions surrounding the extreme heat. However, instead of focusing on the new ways, we should look at how our ancestors dealt with heat in the past when there was an absence of modern-day technology. Some of these methods are not just considerate of environmental crisis but also have health benefits.

Staying cool and healthy

There are a few methods to keep ourselves as well as the places we live in cool. In the recent years, the use of earthen pots to store water has significantly increased, especially in urban households. Health benefits are said to be the reason for the switch to earthen pots. Besides cold water, experts suggest that drinks such as buttermilk, fruit juices with less sugar or no sugar at all, and lassi should be consumed more. Drinking plenty of fluids will help avoid issues like dehydration, and other health issues. Vasudha Mathur, Chief Dietician, Yashoda Hospitals, suggests consuming citrus and watery fruits like grapes, pomegranates, and the seasonal fruit — mango. She says, “We should not miss out on mango which is dense in vitamin A and other essential vitamins and minerals. We should not miss on taking advantage of those nutrients.” Phalsa fruit juice, Aam Panna, Mango Murabba, Kokam juice, green leafy vegetable Kulfa in mango dal, etc. are some of the recipes which might help us stay cool during the summer.

Furthermore, she also suggests that one should avoid food that is not stored in proper temperatures.

Use khus curtains

While these methods are helpful in keeping ourselves cool in the extreme heat, it is necessary to keep our surroundings cool too. Switching your regular curtains to Khus curtains not only cools down the house but also acts as an insect repellent. These curtains cool the room naturally by blocking sunlight and absorbing moisture from the air. Also, using materials like bamboo, rattan and terrazzo will also help in naturally cooling down the room. “Rattan is one of the trendiest materials right now, which also happens to be environmentally friendly. It is quite like bamboo in terms of its sustainable benefits. It is fast growing, produced with low energy and does not have to be treated and processed that much,” says Shivani Kishor Puria, an interior designer.

She also recommends using breathable materials like linen or cotton and light pastel colours in home as they will attract less heat.

As we navigate through the scorching temperatures of May, it is imperative to adopt sustainable and health-conscious methods to beat the heat. Drawing inspiration from traditions and adopting environmental friendly alternatives can provide long-term advantages. By making simple lifestyle modifications and returning to traditional methods, we can create a more sustainable and comfortable environment for ourselves without increasing environmental problems.