
Break a Sweat in the Pool

Ramya Banda

HYDERABAD: In our stagnant lifestyles, staying fit is of paramount importance. But hitting the gym in this heat isn’t particularly a motivating factor. If anything, it may be more of a downer. So what could be a ‘cool’ way to work out? Try aqua aerobics.

An already popular form of exercise in a few western countries, the trend is picking in India as well.

Aqua aerobics is a work-out that is performed in shallow waters like swimming pool. “The term aqua aerobics is self explanatory; it means performing aerobics in water. We all know water is much more denser than air hence it provides more resistance which requires more effort to exercise,” explains Farooq Kamal, an aqua aerobics trainer at Apollo Life Centre, Jubilee Hills.

Slowly picking in the city as well, a couple of pools across town have been offering the unique exercise regimen.

Typical moves like stretching, running, jogging side-ward and backward hopping, resistance training, selective breathing, dumb-bells and kick-boards are some of the common exercises in aqua aerobics. The buoyancy of water makes it easy to perform these exercises and stay afloat. 

“Water buoyancy makes it easier to exercise without much effort. Not all people can go to the gym and exercise. Exercising in water leaves you completely rejuvenated and helps you burn as much as 700 calories,” adds Farooq.

Similar to normal aerobics, aqua aerobics also focuses on cardiac training. It can help increase flexibility, endurance and strength of the muscles. Also, this form of aerobics is helpful in recovering from injuries and in healing particular ailments.

“Aqua aerobics is one of the best ways to cure orthopaedic problems as it works towards increasing flexibility and providing strength. It is good for pregnant women as it can improve resistance of the child. It is very effective for osteoporosis, arthritis and cardiac problems as water helps in pumping oxygen to the heart easily,” says JN Pradeep Kumar, a swimming coach who offers aqua aerobics at Taj Deccan, Banjara Hills.

Another great advantage of this exercise is that water makes you less prone to injuries. It is suitable for all and is also an enjoyable form of exercise. Explaining the advantages of aqua aerobics, Farooq shares, “One of the major advantages of exercising in water is that the chances of injuries are very less as your body is cushioned by the water and you can’t really fall down and hurt yourself. This makes it ideal for elderly people and pregnant women.” Working out in water is three times more effective compared to any other work out. What’s even better is that you don’t need to be a trained swimmer; the exercises are done in the shallow end of the pool.

All in all, if the hard labour of jogging in the morning has been keeping you from losing those extra pounds, frolicking in the water has to be a more alluring alternative – it’s fun, it’s more effective and you can also pick up a life skill.