
App Check

Express News Service

Rainbow profile

If you are for marriage equality, you can now declare it through your Facebook profile picture. The social networking site has introduced a feature that lets users superimpose rainbow colours on their profile pictures. The announcement by Mark Zuckerberg came after the US Supreme Court’s ruling that same sex marriages are constitutional. Users can follow a link -  https://www.facebook.com/celebratepride – to see how their photos will look with a rainbow filter and then decide whether or not to add it.

Messaging on Kindle

With WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and other texting options available on this ebook reader, users can share quotes and compare notes privately. Earlier, Kindle users could share these through Facebook and Twitter. This upgrade feature lets you share recommendations with your friends. Those who receive a quote or a recommendation can read the preview of the book without signing up or downloading it. This will first be available for the Android app, and later on other devices.  

App for competitive exams

Superprofs, an app launched recently in the city, helps students access study material even on slow internet connections. Users can download video lectures from the app to their phones and watch them offline too. The resources accessible through the app are supposed to help users prepare for competitive exams like CA, CS, CMA, GATE and UPSC. It even lets you clear your doubts with a counsellor on chat. While this service is free, users have to pay for others when they want to access them.