
Sizzle the Hard Rock way

Rajitha S

If you are keen on binging on an array of sizzlers at Hard Rock Cafe this month, then be careful not to burn your tongue. That, because the tempting presentation will not let you wait for it to cool down. Apart from the usual good music, friendly staff and a feel-good ambience, the Sizzle Festival offers a limited number, yet an eclectic mix of dishes.

For the vegetarians, the lebanese veg fillet consists of fajita veggies, creamy tahini garlic dip, and pickled vegetables served along with flour tortillas is worth trying. Firstly because of the many elements that come in a single dish. The finely diced vegetables, well fried chick peas-based patties, salad and the tortillas make a heavy flavoursome bite  however mild on spices. You won’t feel an explosion in your mouth despite the many flavours.

Next in line is the grilled paneer tikka that is the regular char grilled paneer spread over vegetables done in Indian style with tangy makhani sauce. Non-vegetarians can indulge in the chicken version of the same dish.  If you are a beef lover, then you should try the Hungarian steak stew where tangy spice beef steak stew is topped over vegetables. This is served with smoked paprika rice and spiced potato wedges.  Another is the herb lemon crusted chicken scallopini served with flavoured vegetables, also low on spices for the local palatte. This is also served with black bean mousse and crispy corn sticks. Finely marinated ingredients with the chicken make you want a little more.  The best in the lot, for the non vegetarians is the smoked chipotle pepper, lime and tequila prawns where the prawns are served on a bed of fajita vegetables with liberal amounts of cheese served again with garlic butter rice.The rice goes well with the chilli cilantro sauce and the combination of veggies and prawns. 

All the dishes, with unsual accompaniments make it a must-visit for those curious to explore.  The festival is on till March 22.